A trip to Clumber Park in Notting-hamshire is always guaranteed to turn up some exciting birdlife, and this was no exception.
This beautiful snowy owl was one of two seen in the annual Mindemoya Christmas Bird Count. Lynn Thompson MINDEMOYA—2024 marked the 51st anniversary of the Mindemoya Christmas bird count held December ...
A bill filed Wednesday could soon crown the mallard duck as Arkansas' official state duck. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Jack ...
Mallards over the 30 percent farm-raised DNA threshold are showing poor migration habits The author's drake mallard and three ...
According to House Bill 1417 filed by Representative Jack Ladyman (R-Jonesboro), the mallard would be designated the state ...
The content presented here is for entertainment purposes only and does not guarantee the authenticity or accuracy of the ...
Almost a century ago, a Missouri farmboy's raspy impression inspired Walt Disney to create the long-suffering animated duck.
Donald Trump Jr. has ruffled the feathers of some Italian animal activists, but he says he has all his ducks in a row! The activists got their beaks out of joint — and are calling fowl play ...
Italian politicians have filed complaints against Donald Trump Jr., who appeared in a video showing off the ducks he shot, including a rust-colored duck that is reportedly protected across Europe.
Responding to accusations over the duck’s shooting, a spokesperson for Trump Jr. said the US president’s son had the necessary authorizations to hunt and would cooperate with any investigation.