Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola reportedly jetted to Spain ahead of their clash with Nottingham Forest as he “not given up ...
Pep Guardiola and his estranged wife Cristina Serra have set for a legal showdown as the couple prepare to officially seal ...
That is according to a new report from The Sun newspaper, who report that the Manchester City manager and his estranged wife ...
Proceedings around a divorce have now begun between Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola and his estranged wife Cristina ...
Lorena Vazquez, one of a duo of well-respected Spanish showbiz reporters who call themselves the Mamarazzis, went on a ...
El entrenador español del Manchester City Josep Guardiola inició junto a Cristina Serra los trámites de divorcio luego de ...
Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola and his wife, fashion entrepreneur Cristina Serra, have reportedly begun divorce ...
Considerado como uno de los mejores entrenadores en la historia del fútbol, siempre mantuvo un perfil muy bajo sobre su vida ...
El exfutoblista habló en relación al nivel del astro argentino. El exfutbolista, empresario y filántropo David Beckham opinó ...
Pep Guardiola and his estranged wife Cristina Serra have ‘started divorce proceedings’ after the couple’s shock split became ...
Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola and his estranged wife Cristina Serra have begun divorce proceedings using the same ...
Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola and Cristina Serra have hired the same set of lawyers to finalise their divorce ...