Exempel på efterlysning i ett inlägg i gruppen. I kommentarerna skrivs det att han ofta är otrogen och har tjej. Foto: NWT Redaktion Medlemmarna publicerar oftast anonymt och inläggen innehåller ofta ...
Philadelphia City Council members did not vote on any bills at their meeting Thursday, a once-rare event that has become commonplace in City Hall this year. Council so far has passed just one bill in ...
Ex-president George Mullen (Robert De Niro in his first leading TV role) is enjoying retirement on his lavish estate, swimming, taking statins and grappling with writing his memoir when, without ...
Facebook probably needs no introduction; nonetheless, here is a quick history of the company. The world’s biggest and most-famous social network was launched by Mark Zuckerberg while he was a student ...
Grandstands at the National Stadium in Karachi looked markedly empty, with many stands not even half full at the start of play. Former England captain Michael Vaughan also pointed this out.
Multiple aid agencies have effectively ceased operations preventing the global spread of HIV and treating patients with AIDS in the wake of funding cuts by the Trump administration. The furor over ...
Mega shelters for deportees set up by the Mexican government along the border sit mostly empty, one month after President Donald Trump threatened “mass deportations” on day 1 of his administration.
ZAPATA, Tex. (KGNS) - Almost a month after the new Zapata County Sheriff was sworn into office, he continues to face several challenges, including restoring a nearly empty building. “We’ve ...
Skrev Facebook-inlägg Idag sköter Marina den dagliga driften i butiken som ensam heltidsanställd. Stöttning får hon på helgerna av extrapersonal. Sonen Tommy äger butiken. Facebookinlägget som Tommy ...
The term "reforms" has been so misattributed and misused in Pakistan that any mention of reform sounds like an empty promise without any genuine strategy for change. A new report titled Pakistan ...
Beslutet föregicks av en nästan två timmar lång diskussion, som tidvis blev intensiv. Omkring tjugo inlägg gjordes både för enhetsskolan och för mindre skolor. Bildningsnämnden har redan tidigare ...