Order in the Aquarius court! Roll up your sleeves and get serious about whipping your space into shape. But don’t do it all by yourself, especially if you don’t live alone. Recruit your ...
When your ruling planet, the radiant Sun glides into a harmonious trine to proactive Mars on Saturday, devote your energy to a private pursuit off the grid. Carve out quiet time for fearless ...
Has Team Cancer been a bit sluggish? Today’s mashup of the moon in your collaborative eleventh house and motivating Mars in your sign cues you to rally the troops. Maybe they hit a hurdle ...
Let your guard down, Capricorn. The moon in your heartfelt fifth house is pumping up the passion, and its harmonious angle with bold Mars in your partnership-powered seventh today encourages you ...
Make a point of connecting with the people you cross paths with in your everyday life during today’s moon-Mars confab. The neighbor who seems to be on the same schedule as you? The person who ...
Once more with feeling! With the moon cruising through Gemini for most of the morning, you’re prepared to give something your all. If you have the luxury of choosing what to focus on, make it a ...
Intense? Who, you? Strong emotions are swirling within while the moon activates your powerful eighth house this morning. You could notice you’re feeling wound up or angry before you’ve even ...
Don’t vacillate, Libra. You’re ready to take the reins, and other people know it. If they didn’t think you were capable, they wouldn’t be pushing onto center stage. Don’t assume leading ...
Your notoriously nomadic sign may become obsessed with finding a place to hang your hat for a while starting on Thursday, February 27, when the year’s only Pisces new moon electrifies your ...
Simmer down, Scorpio, it’s time to get serious. After a few weeks in your playful, romantic fifth house, analytical Mercury does a major costume change this Monday, March 3, sharpening its axe ...
Happy news for Libras who are ready to move from “me” to “we.” (And when aren’t you, really?) On Monday, March 3, social Mercury makes its annual trek into Aries and your relationship ...