Walt Disney Imagineering filed a permit for demolition and construction at the Tree of Life Theater in Disney’s Animal ...
Ahead of Zootopia 2's debut this year, Disney and Dynamite Comics are teaming up to deliver a new comic series that follows Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde’s police career. Crushing together the ...
With a 99% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and sky-high box office expectations, "Zootopia" is predicted to be a massive hit for Disney. The movie is getting accolades not just for its story ...
Zootopia is a children's movie for adults. The latest colorful flick to hop out of Walt Disney Animation Studios is packed with themes of social justice and activism, each about as subtle as a ...
"Frozen" showed it can bring in the crowds like Pixar's "Toy Story" franchise, and now Disney Studio's newest release, "Zootopia," proves it can also make a family-friendly tale with a strong ...
Disney is using chatbots on Facebook Messenger to create an interactive dialogue with fans of animated film Zootopia, letting users discover and solve crimes while driving awareness for the film's DVD ...