Ticks cover the ears and back of this dog in Mexico, where the disease has become an urban epidemic in some areas.
Dear EarthTalk: "Does the rise in diseases like Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever mean tick populations are on ...
Scientists at Montana State University’s Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology are working to develop a better vaccination for Lyme disease.
The type of tick most commonly known to carry the bacterium that causes Lyme disease has been identified in eastern Montana, according to new National Institutes of Health (NIH) research. […] ...
Exclusive: Director Ohs is "right at the beating heart of what being truly independent in cinema can mean," co-writer/actor Jeremy O. Harris told IndieWire ahead of the film's SXSW premiere.
While most use winter as a chance for hibernation, around eight dozen people swarmed to the Brown County Music Center for the ...
Livonia police officers freed a deer that became entangled in a hammock rope on Feb. 16. An officer used a pole saw to cut the rope while the deer struggled to free itself. Livonia police ...
Although veterinarians are still learning about how these ticks impact dogs, they say Asian longhorned tick diseases tend to share similar symptoms with other tick-borne maladies. “The tick bite ...
Multiple crashes involving deer that were struck closed part of Interstate 84 in Farmington on Wednesday morning. The crashes were reported shortly before 6:20 a.m. on the eastbound side of the ...
As the deer swiftly and majestically moves down the street, it first appears as though it is just having fun frolicking in the snow. But as the woman pans the camera toward the start of the street, it ...
The most important thing to know is that not all tick and flea products prevent the ticks from landing on and attacking your dog. Some repel ticks and fleas, and some kill ticks and fleas within 18-24 ...