From personalized jewelry to suggestive messages written on his canvases, Goya certainly seemed to hint at a romance with the ...
Per aquest primer cap de setmana de març tenim, al nostre entorn, moltes propostes musicals; per tant podem triar on anar. No hi ha excusa. Per començar, avui dissabte podem anar a Alaró a ...
The embattled CEO and president of Goya Foods has spoken out following a recent board vote regarding his employment with the company. Robert Unanue, who has led the Jersey City-based Hispanic food ...
Això també possibilita, afegeix, que Reus tingui un tren cada hora cap a la gran ciutat. "Són uns horaris que tenen més de positiu que de negatiu", resumeix, tot i que admet que l’R16, que ha perdut ...
Publishing a press release to announce your own firing may not be common, but that didn’t stop Robert “Bob” Unanue. On February 23, the former president of Goya Foods penned a press release ...
Goya Foods CEO and President Bob Unanue announced his departure from the Hispanic-owned, New Jersey-based food company on Monday. Unanue, who also was an executive producer on the film "Sound of ...
The President and CEO of Goya Foods, who has come under fire for his controversial political comments, released a statement on Monday declaring that he has been "left in limbo" by the company's board.
HOUSTON, Feb. 23, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Robert "Bob" Unanue, with over 20 years as President & CEO of Goya Foods, is releasing a statement about his status with the organization as well as ...
que mantenen la distància de tres punts amb el Reus. Mateixa alegria ha tingut el Peralada contra el Tona. Després d’unes setmanes d’absència, els blanc-i-verds tornen a trobar-se en posicions de play ...
Té 43 anys i és natural de Jaca (Osca). Va iniciar la seva trajectòria com a tinent a la companyia de Reus i, posteriorment, com a capità, va ser destinat a la Prefactura d’Informació i a la Unitat ...
La nova zonificació escolar de Reus ja ha esdevingut oficial, amb la publicació de la resolució al Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DOGC). A grans trets, l’eina, que busca lluitar contra ...
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