They have no shame." In many parts of Cuba, blackouts now extend beyond 20 hours, and the generators are struggling to keep up. The situation in Matanzas exemplifies the collapse of the national ...
Dominican Republic’s typical dishes. Photo credit: Depositphotos. No discussion about Dominican food would be complete without mentioning sancocho, the country’s most popular dish. This hearty stew is ...
Si piensas viajar próximamente a Cuba debes conocer el Formulario Digital de Ingreso a Cuba DViajeros, el cual facilita la información de los viajeros para agilizar los trámites que deben realizar una ...
El Consejo de Ministros se fue volviendo entonces un sancocho de opciones y deslealtades, de ilusiones imprecisas y de representatividades inconexas. El caldo hirvió hasta que llegó el recalentamiento ...
The map below shows the location of Cuba and Mumbai. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between ...
la empresa ha crecido hasta contar con varias sucursales en ciudades clave como Miami, West Palm Beach, Kissimmee y Orlando. Su principal objetivo es conectar a las familias cubanas y facilitar los ...
HAVANA (AP) — Cuba’s legendary cigars, hand-rolled from the finest tobacco leaves, have long captivated connoisseurs, and now a growing number of enthusiasts recognize the vital importance of humidors ...
KANSAS CITY, Kan. — The 18th Street bridge over the Kansas River in Wyandotte County is part of U.S. 69 and a key link for Kansas City neighborhoods. The Kansas Department of Transportation is ...
Lo más leído hoy: Desde este lunes -en que ocurrió la tragedia- fuerzas del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Cuba, Rescate y Salvamento, la Policía, Recursos Hidráulicos y las autoridades de la capital iniciaron ...
He is backed to the hilt by Russia, China, and Cuba — also Iran, North Korea, etc. Recently, he changed the constitution to make his wife, Rosario Murillo, “co-president” with him.
Cuba has a maximum demand of around 3,500 MW, but it regularly fails to meet up to 1,500 MW of that, resulting in power outages. Cuba agreed in April for China to help it boost the role of solar ...
Levy Rincón asimiló la narrativa que evolucionó desde sancocho con violencia camuflada de diálogo hasta actitud victimista y violenta contra la oligarquía. Nacido después de la Toma de Palacio, Rincón ...