Last month, state legislators in New York introduced a bill that would create a new crime: “masked harassment.” That, the law ...
DakotAbilities is a leading non-profit organization dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities across South Dakota ...
For military families sacrifice is nothing new, especially for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our ...
But, with hundreds of thousands of L.A. residents forced to evacuate their homes, the next best thing is a face mask or respirator to help avoid inhaling dangerous smoke particles. As we saw with ...
Likely, all of the above. Refreshingly, Trump’s speech lacked any promises of national unity, political comity, rhetorical civility, or letting bygones be bygones. Trump was as explicit as he ...
Vaccines may not be the most spectacular of all the miracles of modern medicine, but they are arguably the most beneficial. They have virtually eliminated the infectious diseases of childhood, ...
Start your Independent Premium subscription today. Taking a selfie while wearing an LED face mask might be the new beauty status symbol but how does this technology actually work? Medical ...
Healing political division requires we revive the lost virtue of civility, grounded in universal human dignity.
Although long considered a disease of aging, certain cancers are turning up more often in younger women, according to a new report. By Roni Caryn Rabin More Americans are surviving cancer, but the ...
They protect themselves from the virus with masks and isolate themselves in small family bubbles. Some grasp for unproven strategies — gargling with antiseptic mouthwash, carrying a personal ...