"From survival myths to movie magic, we expose the facts behind the fiction. Can you drink cactus water? Can you outrun an explosion? Get the answers that surprise and satisfy. Follow along on How ...
Chilly thrillers, snowy fantasies and Alpine adventure novels exquisitely capture the atmosphere of the season.
Would you rather go 30 days without the internet or showers? This list of absurd, funny, and thought-provoking questions is ...
Are you looking forward to a fun-filled Christmas with your loved ones? Include these fun Christmas games in your activities ...
The cast has given their best performances, and along with an incredibly fun story, this is the way to enjoy your Christmas party if you want a break from regular Christmas comedies. We have yet ...
This week we asked our readers: If you can meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would that be? Next week question is: If you could have any job in the world, what job would you choose?
A focus group is reviewing a new product and none of them believe it works. When asked for a testimonial, many in the group say the product is excellent.
Any pair of binoculars will do the trick and you can identify a lot of the birds.” The National Audubon Society in the U.S. explains the origin of the Christmas bird count this way ...