Mars may have once been a paradise with Earth-like oceans and balmy beaches that would have been ideal for harboring living ...
But hold off on grabbing the sun lotion, because there's a catch—it's on ancient Mars. Analyzing data collected by China's Zhurong Mars Rover, an international team of researchers have detected ...
Present-day Mars is a barren and inhospitable planet, but it may have once had sandy beaches and tranquil ocean vistas. According to findings published on February 24 in the Proceedings of the ...
Mars — our planet of will ... Go in, go deep, build defenses for the defenseless, plant gardens for the rootless, dissent from toxic tradition, and, for God’s sake, avoid the impetus to ...
Planetary geologists and astronomers studying Mars have known for decades that water was once likely present on the planet, after NASA's Mariner 9 mission captured images of dry gullies in the ...
Though these high fliers also can be observed at the edge of space above Earth, there are distinct differences between Mars' mother-of-pearl clouds and those of our home planet: Mars' are made of ...
The moon makes for an excellent guide to see Mars in the night sky tonight. As the sun sets this evening (Feb. 9), the moon will be shining brightly in the east, 93% illuminated in its waxing ...