Cardiovascular disease is a general term that refers to many different types of heart problems.Heart disease is the ...
Aspartame, a common sweetener in diets, could affect vascular health, according to a new study that warns of a possible ...
Normally, these smooth muscle cells help protect the arteries by forming caps over plaque deposits. These caps prevent ...
Heart failure affects around one million people in India. It first appears around the age of 45 years. Every 12 out of 1,000 ...
Aspartame is estimated to be more than 150 times as sweet as sugar, and is commonly used as a sugar replacement. | Cell And Molecular Biology ...
recalls senior author Yihai Cao, who studies chronic diseases related to blood vessel disorders at Karolinska Institute ... aspartame-fed mice developed larger and more fatty plaques in their arteries ...
Lipoproteins are a type of protein that transports cholesterol, a fatty substance ... can cause LDL cholesterol to form plaques on blood vessel walls, leading to the narrowing or blocking of ...
CD8+ T cells accumulate in atherosclerotic plaques. LMU researchers identify a crucial signaling pathway - with therapeutic potential.
In mice fed sucrose, the plaques did not develop until the 12-week point, although these mice did gain weight and fat. Senior author Yihai Cao, who studies chronic diseases related to blood vessel ...