Bill Murray expertly navigated a plate of spicy wings — with an assist from Pete Davidson — when the actor guested on the latest episode of Hot Ones. “Well, I do like spicy foods: When I go to an ...
Lent has officially begun, and some San Antonio restaurants are offering special deals and menu items for those observing the season.
FRANKFORT — A bill that would regulate automated license plate reader data and other electronic tracking measures is on the move. Rep. John Hodgson, R-Fisherville, is the primary sponsor of ...
The Idaho Legislature is considering a bill that would add two new “Idaho world famous potato” specialty license plates in Idaho. All standard Idaho license plates already prominently display ...
The House Transportation Committee voted on Tuesday to advance HB324, which would tweak the back end of all purchases tied to the black plate. Rep. Val Peterson, R-Orem, the bill's sponsor, contends ...
The House Transportation Committee voted on Tuesday to advance HB324, which would tweak the back end of all purchases tied to the black plate. Rep. Val Peterson, R-Orem, the bill's sponsor ...
Despite near defeat and intense debate, a proposal to regulate automated license plate readers is still alive in Virginia’s General Assembly — though not without significant revisions and shifting ...
The Idaho Legislature is considering a bill that would add two new “Idaho world famous potato” specialty license plates in Idaho. All standard Idaho license plates already prominently display the ...
De La Cruz is sponsoring a bill this session for motorcycle enthusiasts such as himself that would create a new speciality license plate specifically for classic and vintage motorcycles. The “Iron ...
Herring has acknowledged that the pending state law “cannot wholly avoid federal warrants and subpoenas” but argues her bill at least sets guardrails for existing and future plate reader use.