For the king, the aim was to make “submission not just tolerable but actually desirable.” That enabled Mesopotamian rule to ...
This is an edited transcript of an episode of “The Ezra Klein Show.” You can listen to the conversation by following or ...
To mark International Women's Day, MARK ANDREWS looks at seven prominent daughters of the West Midlands who helped shape ...
He devoted himself to judo from an early age. After graduating from Waseda ... a former professor at the University of Bordeaux who studies the history of judo around the world, said Kawaishi ...
Wednesday – 1-4pm Rotherham Dementia Café (3 rd Wed of month), 6-8pm Brinsworth and Catcliffe History (2nd Wed of Month). Thursday – 9.30am-10.30am Tai Chi (contact Elizabeth – 07947 127842), ...
"It was remarkable to discover a domesticated sheep from the Bronze Age that was infected with LNBA plague. This gave us an ...
Deep in the vast steppes of Central Asia, archaeologists have uncovered a remarkable ancient structure—a pyramid over 3,000 ...
IRON AGE MAN:If you tell us where we can get this metal, you can join our tribe. THIEF:It’s in the rocks. It’s, it’s much more plentiful than the copper and tin you need to make bronze.
Design elements that were once "considered 'luxurious' have begun to feel overused and outdated," an expert told Newsweek.
"Amber glass soap and shampoo bottles were definitely a trend during the age of peak millennial minimalism ... she recommended brushed brass, aged bronze or polished nickel as alternatives ...
Forgers know how to exploit a business which prefers gentlemen’s agreements to scientific analysis. Authentification requires more rigour ...