Even better: a Performance will barely cost any more than a standard GTI today. You can have a manual or DSG dual-clutch transmission, both of which are very good in their own ways, in a choice ...
While most if its model name dates back to 1980, the Vauxhall Astra Electric is far from old-fashioned. It’s sharply styled and fully electric. The Astra Electric sits alongside the rest of the ...
The Warhammer 40k Astra Militarum army – a.k.a. the Imperial Guard – is among the oldest and most popular playable factions in Games Workshop’s sci-fi wargame. An enormous force of trillions of ...
Located at Wales, West Bank Demerara, the GtE project comprises the power plant and a Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) facility – both utilising the rich natural gas that will be piped from the Liza Field in ...
Even so, Astra Mk2 (1984 onwards) and Mk3 (1991 onwards) were still spongy and lacklustre, a car that was a necessary commodity, not the epitome of consumer choice (the exceptions were the sprightly, ...
Technically a Controller, Astra is much much more than. With all her abilities having different functions, Astra feels like somewhat of a Controller/Sentinel/Initiator hybrid. As a result of her ...