It is no strange sight to see icebergs break off of the Antarctic ice cap and drift away, like the gigantic sheet of ice that ...
A massive iceberg known as A23a is currently on a collision course with South Georgia Island, threatening to disrupt the ...
The video shows an area in Antarctica where rocky outcroppings jut up above the ice sheet. The building is a South African research station.
A new study has revealed that "hug of death" megaraptorids and previously unknown carcharodontosaurs shared Australia's unique Antarctic dinosaur ecosystem during the Cretaceous.
It is no strange sight to see icebergs break off of the Antarctic ice cap and drift away, like the gigantic sheet of ice that is currently heading for the island of South Georgia. But climate change ...
the most logical starting point for the icebergs is also home to bedrock that corresponds to the types of rock found in the debris at South Orkney. Apparently, during the late Eocene Antarctica ...
Greenland’s Ice Sheet will surely continue its unprecedented melt.  But will the melting ice expose more rock that might push ...
A study suggests Mars takes its red hue from a type of mineral that forms in cool water, which could reveal insights about ...
Scientists have uncovered new information about the Earth's core: it may not be completely solid. Instead, its center may be ...
A new study reassures people that the nightmare disaster movie scenario of Atlantic Ocean currents collapsing, with weather ...