Pressure in the temples can be a sign of a headache or migraine. Other possible causes include stress, blocked sinuses, head injury, and more. Anyone with severe or persistent pain or pressure ...
He consulted a few archaeologist and conservationists, who suggested that the stone can be a pedestal from a temple’s pillar. This was not the first time that Ansari had found something of ...
An artist’s impression of the Ziggurat Pyramid in Dubai, which, when finished, will be 1,200 meters tall and house one million people. Credit: Samuel Schmitt. CC BY 3.0/Wikimedia Commons/Samuel ...
The site of ancient Olympia, a vast complex of temples, shrines, stadiums and theaters, as seen from the north. The stadium, the temple of Hera, and the temple of Zeus can be seen. The line of trees, ...
Ancient Mesopotamia has languished in obscurity, at least compared with the better-known Greek, Roman and Egyptian civilisations. So… Receive a weekly dose of discovery in your inbox!
Rediscovered some 200 years ago, the ancient Egyptian temple of Esna has held 2,000-year-old secrets in its walls that are just now seeing the light of day. Thanks to an ambitious restoration project ...
The Akshayavat Patalpuri temple in Prayagraj, built during Emperor Akbar's reign, is an ancient subterranean temple adorned with statues and murals depicting Hindu mythology. Recent renovations ...