The Triassic is one of the most important periods in the evolution of life on Earth. After one of the greatest mass ...
A research team from the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart presents a comprehensive overview of Triassic terrestrial tetrapods and their environments in the Central European Basin.
Multiple crocodiles have reportedly been spotted in the Gorai River, prompting concerned residents to seek the authorities' ...
A new study finds that as temperatures rise, the animals are getting hotter, spending less time diving and putting more ...
Rising attacks on humans have put Andaman's saltwater crocodiles at the center of a clash between conservationists and the ...
However, Picking countered: “Our crocodiles are more likely to flee at the sight of humans than attack… They primarily feed ...
Crocodiles are hardy creatures, yet even these tenacious reptiles surprised researchers after a group was found in a dark ...
A recent study published in the journal Current Biology found that some saltwater crocodiles in Australia face changes in ...
A saltwater crocodile (buaya tembaga), measuring over eight feet long, was spotted basking in the sun at the popular Kina ...
Rising temperatures are pushing estuarine crocodiles to their thermal limits, forcing them to change their natural behaviors ...
Researchers in Brazil have unearthed the fossilized bones of a 237-million-year-old crocodile-like predator, Retymaijychampsa ...
Namely, a group of primitive amphibians called the temnospondyls. They may have survived the Great Dying by feeding on some ...