Baptists have a particular connection to Zomi Christians because our own missionaries brought the gospel to their people many ...
Boston Avenue United Methodist Church (BAUMC) is hosting the 63rd annual installment of their Lenten Lecture series.
Brown Chapel A.M.E Church in Selma, Alabama, a pivotal location during the civil rights movement, is undergoing a $1 million ...
National Religious Broadcasters conference, the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference announced a strategic ...
Most evangelicals want undocumented immigrants to have a path to citizenship. But ICE detentions and a growing lawyer ...
The sun wasn’t up yet when a dozen people began to gather on Wednesday at an all-Black cemetery in this South Texas border ...
Wednesday, ushering in the 40-day season of Lent, when the faithful prepare for Easter by doing penance for sins and seeking spiritual renewal through prayer, discipline and good works. Ash Wednesday ...
Signers pledge “to restore welcome to those seeking refuge — regardless of where they are from, how they pray or what ...
A group has filed a brief with the Oklahoma Supreme Court challenging a bid solicitation from the Oklahoma State Department ...
At the conclusion of a recent meeting of the Texas-Mexico border bishops, the participating prelates highlighted the ...
It is possible for a stronger U.S. dollar to offset some of the costs, but most economic modeling shows tariffs will ...