One group from each was given apixaban, dubbed TAH3311, with the other two given an Eliquis tablet. Results found the maximum plasma concentration in patients dosed with TAH3311 was equivalent to ...
Taho Pharmaceuticals’s apixaban-based oral dissolving strips were discovered to be a bioequivalent of Pfizer and Bristol-Myers Squibb’s (BMS) Eliquis in a Phase II trial. The randomised open-label ...
The study confirmed that TAH3311 is bioequivalent to U.S. and European reference Apixaban tablets (Eliquis®) under fasting conditions, with Cmax and AUC values falling within the regulatory acceptance ...
The study confirmed that TAH3311 is bioequivalent to U.S. and European reference Apixaban tablets (Eliquis®) under fasting conditions, with Cmax and AUC values falling within the regulatory ...
RE46,363 All claims, counterclaims, affirmative defenses, and demands are dismissed without prejudice and without costs, disbursements, or attorneys’ fees to any party. The parties each ...