Experts warn that South Africa is on the brink of an avian influenza disaster, urging the government to act swiftly to ...
The department of forestry, fisheries and environment has confirmed the presence of the high pathogenicity avian influenza ...
A fast spreading form of bird flu is devastating colonies where almost half of the world’s wandering albatrosses breed on a ...
Six bird species on Marion Island, about 2000km southeast of Cape Town, have been infected by a deadly bird flu known as H5N1 ...
The deaths of adult seabirds are of great concern as most species only start to breed at 3 to 10 years of age, and most ...
New Zealand's unique flightless nocturnal birds, like the kiwi and kakapo, showcase the country’s rich biodiversity.
From those in captivity to the feathered friends at your feeders, learn how long birds live, and what factors affect their ...
Rare footage of the black-footed albatrosses courtship dance showing the gracefulness of this amazingly large birds.
Not content with handling one of Birmingham’s most distinct restaurants (The Wilderness), chef-patron Alex Claridge opened ...
The vampire bat might be nature’s purest super-villain. But it’s not the only flyer known to subsist off of the blood of its ...
From oceans to mountains, these birds with massive wingspans expertly dominate the skies, flying great distances.
Rufai, the stern-looking former governor of Kaduna State, is angry. His natural anger has been accentuated by a bad situation ...