No fewer than 25 agribusiness, private and public sector players have committed to sourcing at least 80 per cent of their total viable raw materials and ingredients from within Nigeria by 2035.These ...
Check stock performance, fundamentals, market cap, shareholding, financial reports, annual & quarterly results, and profit & loss statements.
The low investment in agro-technology, alongside other challenges, has made Africa the most food-insecure region in the world ...
Just 25 grams of these true potato seeds—seeds from potato fruits, which breeders can use to develop new varieties—are sufficient to plant 2.5 acres, whereas the same size of land would typically ...
The Government of Ghana is set to collaborate with the West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI) to commercialise seed ...
Communities in Central America’s dry corridor are undertaking ‘a difficult struggle’ against climate change and the ...
Ross, a sophomore and former Fort Dodge Senior High state champion, is one of 10 Triton wrestlers who earned a seed for the meet. She will be the top-seed at 138 pounds with Annabelle Petsinger ...
That's why seed lines are still moving, making this the perfect time to predict how the top seeds will shake out. The Tigers' resume is such that it can absorb that loss to Texas A&M without ...
While the Aggies are a shoo-in for the NCAA Tournament, their seeding has dropped after being considered a 2-seed over two weeks ago. Right now, Texas A&M will realistically earn as low as a 5-seed if ...
Meanwhile, cereal, legume, and oil-seed production in Maranhão reached 5.99 million tons in 2022, a 4.7 percent increase from 2021, according to IBGE's LSPA (Systematic Production Survey). The data ...