In his 1863 Gettysburg Address, he argued that the war must lead to “a new birth of freedom” or it would have been fought in vain. Major Acts In practical terms, the achievements of Abraham Lincoln ...
Lincoln had struggled to heal the wounds of war, yet he became one of its last victims, and the war left the country no less divided. Abraham Lincoln ... On January 1, 1863, Lincoln issued the ...
In addition to being president, Abraham Lincoln was ... In September 1862, Lincoln announced his preliminary emancipation proclamation. The President warned that if the rebellion did not end by ...
Presidents Day offers a valuable opportunity to revisit Abraham Lincoln’s leadership lessons ... He had telegraphed this approach with his December 1863 “10 Percent Plan” to facilitate ...
Considered one of the nation's greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln ... rhetoric, Lincoln's surprising election in 1860 helped spark the war itself. His Gettysburg Address (1863) and Second ...
When Abraham Lincoln made his famous Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863, his words weren’t supposed to live on in history. In fact, the 16th president wasn’t even the primary speaker that ...
delivered on this day in 1863, was filled with profound reverence for the Union's ideals—and the men who died fighting for them Eli Wizevich A new exhibition in New York City uses more than 200 ...