Addison Parks was just 15 months old when she had her first urinary tract infection (UTI). Her doctor prescribed antibiotics. But two months later, Addison got a second UTI. That’s when her doctor ...
While testicular cancer can affect a boy or man at any age (from newborn to elderly), it's most often found in men between the ages 15 to 44 years old. It's always a shock to learn cancer has grown in ...
Attention: Restrictions on use of AUA, AUAER, and UCF content in third party applications, including artificial intelligence technologies, such as large language models and generative AI. You are ...
A cystoscopy (sis-TOS-kuh-pee) is a procedure that lets a urologist view the inside of the bladder and urethra in detail. It is often used to find causes of blood in the urine, incontinence, frequent ...
Attention: Restrictions on use of AUA, AUAER, and UCF content in third party applications, including artificial intelligence technologies, such as large language models and generative AI. You are ...
Attention: Restrictions on use of AUA, AUAER, and UCF content in third party applications, including artificial intelligence technologies, such as large language models and generative AI. You are ...
Attention: Restrictions on use of AUA, AUAER, and UCF content in third party applications, including artificial intelligence technologies, such as large language models and generative AI. You are ...
Attention: Restrictions on use of AUA, AUAER, and UCF content in third party applications, including artificial intelligence technologies, such as large language models and generative AI. You are ...