An inside source shares details on a canceled kart racer video game that was being developed by WB San Diego before the studio shut down.
In the past, the Gold Coast has been dismissed as all gloss and no substance – but look beyond the polish and there’s a ...
The Actors Guild of Parkersburg was alive with cheers and laughter for the 3rd Annual Lip Sync battle Saturday March 22.
In the late, great Larry Cohen's 1974 horror classic "It's Alive," Frank (John P. Ryan) and his wife Lenore (Sharon Farrell) ...
It’s midday on a Friday in sunny Southern California. I’m at a pizza place in the San Fernando Valley, and there’s a giant mouse (or is it a rat?) on an elevated stage singing to me. Welcome to the ...
Author Jess Kidd on how she sees genre 'as a set of helpful expectations rather than a list of iron rules' . . .
It's been reported that Gunn's take on Superman will be "very jokey." Another popular comparison that is making the rounds is that the film is similar in tone to the Guardians of ...