Ethiopia’s dual engagement epitomizes the “paradox of weakness” in realist theory: smaller states, seeking autonomy through diversification, often become more vulnerable. The dual-bloc strategy has ...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has since been a key player in global finance, offering monetary assistance to ...
"የተለያዩ ብቻ ሳይኾኑ ከእውነታውም የራቁ ናቸው" - ባለሞያ ዓለም አቀፉ የገንዘብ ድርጅት (አይኤምኤፍ)፣ በቅርቡ ስለ ኢትዮጵያ የዋጋ ግሽበት ያወጣው ትንበያ፣ እ.ኤ.አ በ2025፣ 25 ከመቶ ...
The significant health progress made over the past decade in Central, Eastern, Southern and West Africa—where many countries ...
Recently, we have seen a frenzy of conversations about BRICS, its expansion and what it means for new participating countries ...
As Brics expands, African nations must ensure they are at the negotiating table, aligning their development needs with the ...
Opinion - For decades, foreign aid has shaped Africa's economic path. Multilateral institutions like the World Bank and IMF, ...
Uganda must evolve its economic strategies to keep pace with the dynamic global landscape. This calls for implementing agile, ...
The Bean Cartel Founder Stacy Visser reveals how an almost decade-long partnership with Roastquip has helped the specialty ...
By Ephraim Ofori NUMOSUOR In recent years, BRICS, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, has emerged as a powerful economic bloc challenging Western dominance in global affairs.
By Fred E. KISSI Decades after independence, Ghana’s economy still bears the deep stamps of external control. From colonial ...
An airstrike by South Sudan's airforce killed at least 19 people in the country's east, residents said, less than two weeks after government forces withdrew from the area following intense fighting ...