Now they have six yurts with custom-made log beds ... molybdenum mine effectively shut down in the 1980s, leaving only skeleton staff on site, thousands of miners lost their jobs.
But a new study of the most complete skeleton of the species known to exist has answered many questions about the enigmatic critter — first described in 1883 by famed paleontologist Edward Drinker ...
Though it was far warmer than that, a persistent wind whipped around glittering, metres-high ice sculptures as visitors ducked in and out of the round yurt tents set up to showcase Mongolia’s ...
KHAO SAM ROI YOT NATIONAL PARK, THAILAND—Thai PBS World reports that Thailand’s Fine Arts Department announced an extraordinary discovery––the oldest human skeleton ever found in the country.
LAKE PLACID, N.Y. — Matt Weston finished 15th in men's skeleton at the 2022 Beijing Olympics, something he considered wildly disappointing. He's been the best in the world ever since.
Just try visiting the San Juan Islands without provoking daydreams of running away to live among the orcas and farmstands.
LAKE PLACID, N.Y. -- For Kimberley Bos of the Netherlands, the collection of the biggest skeleton medals is complete. Bronze at the Beijing Olympics in 2022, silver at the world championships two ...
The skeleton’s skull is identical in many ways to this LEGO T-rex skull, available now (my son built this set, and it looks great). But the rest of the skeleton adds a lot to the effect of the ...
The remains of a human skeleton have been discovered in the garden of a bungalow while the homeowner tried to landscape his garden. The grim discovery was made by a man giving his backyard a ...