Texas lawmakers must improve the Texas electric grid, deciding how much we’ll spend on transmission lines, energy efficiency, ...
"It would be ironic in the energy capital of the world if we can't supply the energy that these new businesses need to thrive ...
New wind turbines would not be allowed within 12 miles of any site zoned for residential use, putting much of the state ...
Renewable power advocates often claim wind and solar are less expensive energy sources than coal, natural gas and nuclear ...
Of the roughly 150 bills filed in the state legislature impacting the Texas oil and natural gas industry, state lawmakers are ...
Our state is increasingly wind- and solar-powered, but a proposed legislative bill looks to kneecap those gains.
Electricity congestion creates big problems when demand rises. This crowding costs Texans $2 billion per year in charges.
One of these giants is capable of generating 100 GWh of power annually with average winds of 10 meters per second, enough to ...
One recipient of that capital is Crusoe which could be siphoning some revenue from AWS and other hyperscalers. If the ...
If it’s true that renewable energy is cheaper than fossil fuels, then why would renewable energy projects flounder when ...
In line with its mission to sustainably mine Bitcoin and integrate renewable energy into its Bitcoin mining operations, Mara ...
California's green energy mandates undermine it with businesses. Regulations have spiked costs and the state has the second-highest electricity rates. Businesses may move elsewhere.