The Rochester Fire Department says daylight saving is its usual twice per year reminder to check the batteries in your smoke ...
For homes with hard-wired smoke alarm systems, the NOFD advises replacing the 9-volt backup batteries. For those relying on older stand-alone 9-volt alarms, the department is offering a valuable ...
Daylight Saving Time officially begins on Sunday, March 9th at 2 a.m. Besides changing your clocks to “spring forward,” the ...
Dead or missing batteries are the most common cause of a smoke or carbon monoxide alarm malfunction."Working smoke alarms are absolutely critical for your family to receive early notification during a ...
Working smoke and CO alarms are your family’s first line of defense against an emergency at home,” said State Fire Marshal ...
Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday. It’s the time of year when you’re encouraged to test your smoke alarms while turning ...
Every second counts when there’s a home fire and the sooner an alarm alerts you to a fire, the sooner you can get to a safer ...
As we spring forward for Daylight Saving Time this weekend, fire officials say that this is the perfect opportunity to change smoke alarm batteries in your home.
As daylight saving time returns on Sunday, March 9, the American Red Cross is encouraging everyone to test their smoke alarms as residents turn their clocks forward. “Working smoke ...
The American Red Cross is encouraging you to test your their smoke alarms to make sure the devices are working as you turn ...
Carbon monoxide can be a silent, odorless and invisible killer, but it can still be detected. Protect your family with these ...
And can I connect a battery-operated unit in my garage to the wired detectors?