For homes with hard-wired smoke alarm systems, the NOFD advises replacing the 9-volt backup batteries. For those relying on older stand-alone 9-volt alarms, the department is offering a valuable ...
LA CROSSE, Wis. (WXOW) -- This Sunday is the start of Daylight Saving Time, meaning clocks will jump ahead by one hour. The ...
As daylight saving time and our clocks move forward late tonight and early Sunday morning, officials with the American Red ...
Dead or missing batteries are the most common cause of a smoke or carbon monoxide alarm malfunction."Working smoke alarms are absolutely critical for your family to receive early notification during a ...
When it gets time to change your clocks on Sunday, the State Fire Marshal is reminding you to check your smoke alarms.
Working smoke and CO alarms are your family’s first line of defense against an emergency at home,” said State Fire Marshal ...
Test alarms to ensure they are properly sounding. This can be done by simply pressing the alarm’s test button. Make sure ...
Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday. It’s the time of year when you’re encouraged to test your smoke alarms while turning ...
Multiple Central Texas counties are under a burn ban, and face an elevated fire threat as wildfire risk surges.
Bangor Assistant Fire Chief Chandler Corriveau said it’s the perfect time of year to make sure your detector is not only ...
Every second counts when there’s a home fire and the sooner an alarm alerts you to a fire, the sooner you can get to a safer ...