Daniel Startin is palaeontologist and ichnologist working on early palaeozoic trace fossils and their relation to deep marine anoxia from the same period. Dan has a BSC in Palaeontology and a masters ...
Fossilized teeth of an ancient mega-shark has led us to understand Megalodon behavior a lot better. Here's what scientists ...
One of the world’s top clean energy asset managers is on the lookout for bargains after Donald Trump’s scorched earth ...
Recently, paleontologists Dr. John-Paul Zonneveld, Dr. Sarah Naone, and Dr. Brooks Britt described the discovery and ...
Utah was a hotbed of dinosaur diversity during the Late Cretaceous period, and paleontologists have the fossilized eggshells ...
A mysterious "ghost island" in the Caspian Sea is raising a lot of questions as a NASA satellite picked it up before it ...
Find out how joints facilitate movement, from humans to sharks, and the evolutionary history of these remarkable structures.
A new study claims to have found the oldest handcarts ever in White Sands, New Mexico thanks to drag mark fossils.
Archeologists say they have discovered evidence of 22,000-year-old transport technology used in the ancient Americas.
The White Sands National Park archaeological site is home to fossil footprints that are likely the oldest direct evidence of ...
At White Sands, we found drag-marks made by the ends of wooden poles while excavating for fossil footprints. Sometimes these ...
Fossil evidence from North China indicates that certain ecosystems may have rebounded within just two million years after the ...