It isn’t just new Exotics coming to Destiny 2 with Heresy, as a host of other weapons and guns are being added to Bungie’s ...
The Mechanicum is getting a new Heavy Support box that brings the big guns to bear. Two new plastic tank are on the way!
Warhammer 40,000's newest Army Box adds new Death Korps of Krieg units, which are a great ... of worth of lore stretching from the Horus Heresy to the Indomitus Crusade, but when does Space ...
Saul Tarvitz might be called  "40K's First Loyalist" but there were a few others who fought back alongside the legendary ...
One of the reasons I enjoy Warhammer 40,000 is because it allows ... and no faction is sillier to me than the Death Korps of Krieg. The Death Korps of Krieg comes from a world where a long-running ...
Destiny 2 Episode Heresy is crammed with new weapons and reprisals from older seasons spread across the entire sandbox.