Dozens of West Virginians were in front of U.S. Representative Riley Moore and Senator Moore Capito’s Morgantown offices on ...
Do you know what sports fans hate more than NCAA Tournament injustice? A gasbag governor grandstanding to his political base.
The West Virginia Department of Human Services announces that residents of Mercer, McDowell, Mingo, and Wyoming counties ...
Here’s how to claim the child tax credit. Parents and guardians who make less than $200,000 a year ($400,000 if filing ...
The hidden danger hanging over planning for a state budget is the uncertainty of federal dollars, particularly Medicaid.
The pothole outside Timothy Taylor’s home was so deep, he could hear the clunk of cars hitting it from inside his house. The ...
BabyCenter estimates parents will spend about $68 on clothes, $86 on diapers and wipes, and $222 on formula — each month. Multiply that by 12, and parents are looking at spending about $4,500 in the ...
Sources of retirement income include Social Security, retirement accounts, pensions and employment wages. Retirees can expect to spend 80% of their pre-retirement income in retirement, according ...