There is life in Rome outside the tourist destinations. With this guide, you can eat the best dried pasta in the city and ...
The drawing was done in preparation for the Wedding Feast of Cupid and Psyche in Rome’s Villa Farnesina, and the three graces can be found in the fresco’s upper-righthand corner. Alongside the ...
Electrician Davide Renzoni was performing maintenance work at the Villa Farnesina, a historic estate in Rome, when he stumbled upon a mysterious hatch in the ceiling of the villa's main hall.
Picasso ma anche la fotografia di Guy Bourdin, Pierre et Gilles e molti altri: sono le nuove esposizioni a dominare il fine ...
On the market for $5.5 million, the Art Nouveau residence in the city's Nomentano district dates to 1925 and has been ...
Two dozen works from museums and private collectors around the world are on display, with some reunited for the first time in ...
An ancient Roman villa has resurfaced from Italy’s Lake Fusaro due to shifting land, revealing walls and rooms submerged for ...
fuori dal palazzo della Farnesina, una corona d'alloro in memoria dell'ambasciatore Luca Attanasio. La cerimonia è stata l'occasione per commemorare il quarto anniversario dell'attentato nella ...
A light as air romantic comedy about a cheap villa in a fictional town capitalizes on the “Emily in Paris” model, with pasta. By Alissa Wilkinson When you purchase a ticket for an ...
È anzi possibile che nelle prossime ore – o comunque nei prossimi giorni - la Farnesina convochi l’ambasciatore russo a Roma. Se dovesse farlo, lo farà però con un obiettivo circoscritto ...