A new study from Florida Atlantic University is shedding light on the narwhals’ many explorations, the way they use their tusks to seek out fish, and how they like to play.
That’s why we add new animals for you to discover – each and every day! Learn about any animal using the search box below or subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Also, be sure to check out our improved ...
The scientific name of the narwhal (Monodon monoceros) literally translates to "one tooth, one horn," an incredibly ironic name.
Some animals pose serious threats to humans, either through direct attacks or as carriers of deadly diseases. The most ...
When dogs want to be fed or walked or wake up or go to bed at a time that is at odds with what the new clock setting shows by ...
Undead fox tale way more sweet and thoughtful than morbid. Read Common Sense Media's The Undead Fox of the Deadwood Forest review, age rating, and parents guide.
Multiple behaviors were observed that indicate narwhal tusks — like Swiss Army knives — serve as multi-purpose tools. While ...
"We can't quite believe this incredible footage captured earlier this month — not one, not two, but three bitterns are all on ...
Discover how narwhals use their spiral tusks as multipurpose tools in the wild with groundbreaking drone footage.
Do elephants and hippos get along? Watch what happens when a herd of elephants encounters a sleeping group of hippos.
New research shows narwhals use their tusks to catch fish, play, and communicate. Scientists captured their behaviors using ...
Narwhals, famous for their long, unicorn-like tusks, may use them for much more than display. Drone research has revealed ...