He made the remarks during an event last month to mark 20 years since the launch of Caritas Sri Lanka's tsunami recovery ...
Japan on Tuesday marked 14 years since a devastating earthquake and tsunami rocked the country's northeast and triggered a ...
Interactive map from the California Geological Survey shows the destruction potential of a tsunami wave in the Golden State.
The most recent risk assessment, outlined in maps published by the California Geological Survey, illustrate the devastation ...
The U.S. Virgin Islands took part in the annual Caribe Wave tsunami preparedness exercise Thursday, engaging residents and ...
On March 11, 2011, a major earthquake and a subsequent tsunami caused the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan. In 2004, ...
Bermuda's emergency response systems will be put to the test in a tsunami training exercise next week. The Ministry of ...
Japan faces the constant risk of natural calamities striking anywhere at any time. To save as many lives as possible, it is ...
The National Police Agency lists 2,520 victims of the 2011 earthquake-tsunami disaster as missing, and they cannot be added ...
Although only an infant at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami, Tomoya Onodera is among the young people ...