New research found that experiencing rapid weight loss could be an indicator of higher dementia risk for older adults. Here's ...
Researchers hope their findings help doctors prescribe antidepressants "that are better adapted for patients with dementia." ...
Experts believe they have spotted several subtle physical changes that happen to your face that can indicate dementia decades ...
A new biomarker test can detect early-stage tau protein clumping up to a decade before it appears on brain scans, improving ...
Wondering if you can spot whether you or a loved one is suffering from dementia before it's too late ... while 488 had small temple muscles. During an average follow-up of 5.8 years, they ...
Indeed a 2024 paper from the University of Loughborough found that some vision changes have been associated with dementia 12 years before diagnosis. The study, which looked at 8,623 participants ...
When strength loss is a sign of frailty, scientists think it might predict dementia risk nine years ahead of diagnosis. But another physical change, which is easier for most of us to notice, has been ...
A recent study by researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine suggests that people who experience brain bleeds—also known as intracranial hemorrhages—are twice as likely to develop dementia later in ...
Of approximately 12,000 study participants who had died by the time of this report, just over 2,500 had an assessment for dementia within one year before dying. Of this group, those who died ...