The Indiana Senate heard testimony Tuesday on Senate Bill 1, which currently reflects Gov. Mike Braun's proposed property tax ...
Nami, who was also the President of the Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators (CATA), threw his weight behind the ...
While ongoing tax reforms are commendable, the government must address additional challenges to achieve its projected revenue ...
The Louisiana Republican, under the gun from some GOP senators to move along the bill, said the House needs more time to ...
President Trump's Tax Cuts and Job Act launched unprecedented prosperity and entrepreneurism for a majority of Americans, and ...
This Congress is more willing to fall in line with his demands.
There are decades of consensus by experts and blue-ribbon panels on how to modernize the state’s sales tax. Walz is latest ...
In an exclusive interview, Gov. Larry Rhoden told the Argus Leader raising the state sales tax is not the leading solution to ...
A proposed tax reform in Mississippi promises to cut grocery taxes and raise gas costs to support infrastructure improvements ...
A bill introduced by Sen. Matt Claman (D-Anchorage) would provide tax relief for smaller marijuana businesses and bring ...
At his state of the state address Sunday in Austin, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott laid out his legislative priorities. They range ...
In a fair tax system, everyone pays their fair share, no one pays more than they can afford, and the government raises enough ...