Adopted and then approved 7-2 by the state Senate's Licensing and Occupations Committee, Senate Bill 202 would ban the sale ...
Companies making alcoholic beverages aren't always in a celebratory "spirit" as spirits get hit hard while consumer tastes ...
The beer experts at Northside's Urban Artifact created a new brand of THC infused sodas called Coastalo ... They have three flavors: cherry cola, grape soda and red cream soda.
The beverages have been popping up all over the state of Kentucky. They are legal under a federal farm bill passed in 2018. The bill allows THC-infused beverages if the dry weight is under .3%, but it ...
Much of the domestic growth for cannabis-infused drinks is being driven by the hemp THC segment, which is federally legal, although it’s being restricted in some states. Myriad off-premise spirits, ...
(See below.) Here are a range of options if you’re looking for infused beers, cocktails, and seltzer in St. Louis. ️ Subscribe to SLM’s Cannabis newsletter to keep up with the region’s cannabis scene.
The cannabis giant will ride the hemp beverage wave with non-alcoholic drinks, which will be sold online and in Florida Total ...
Delaware bars, restaurants and liquor stores are now selling THC-infused drinks, but their legality remains unclear. The state is working on creating a regulatory framework for THC beverages ...