Instead, they were created as an iconographic element, probably based on satyr plays and ancient dance performances. Satyrs embodied hedonism, pleasure-seeking, and all the perks of being a human.
THE CLASSICS are never far away from Tony Harrison’s work and their relevance in the modern age is at the heart of this play which explores the 1907 discovery of a lost Sophocles satyr play on an ...
The depiction of a Dionysiac mystery cult now serves as an “exceptional historical document,” allowing us a glimpse into one curious aspect of the ancient city.
But this time I come as Dionysus the victorious, who will make the earth a day of celebration (Friedrich Nietzsche).
A bacchante depicted as a hunter with a slain goat draped over her shoulders A satyr plays a double-flute in accordance with the ritual for the mortal woman’s transcendence. We hope you enjoyed ...
An extremely rare cycle of paintings depicting a raucous ritual involving the god of wine has been unearthed in Pompeii, the ...
Archaeologists in Pompeii have uncovered a nearly life-size fresco, or megalography, depicting the Dionysiac procession in an ...
WASHINGTON, March 6 (Reuters) - The population of butterflies - the beautiful insects that play a vital role in pollination ...
From cumbia rhythms born out of Bolivia to leftfield techno direct from Kuala Lumpur, here's this month's Spotlight ...