This is the first time that brain tissue has been cryogenically frozen and revived without damage. In a process called vitrification, researchers treated slices of mouse brains with cryoprotectants ...
The method uses a simple chemical mixture, pre-packaged in a small tube, to put blood into a type of "suspended animation," protecting it from damage during freezing and preserving these delicate ...
A singular case of suspended animation is reported from Hawleyville, a small manufacutirng village in the interior of the State. View Full Article in Timesmachine » Advertisement ...
Human stem cells can enter a suspended animation state, revealing a hidden ability with groundbreaking implications.
Art from ancient Thrace is often flashy and brusque, as befits a warrior tribe. The archaic society was known for the prowess of its soldiers and its brawny militarism.
Former Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo hit the campaign trail on Sunday. The other candidates are already trying to stop his momentum.
Researcher Alexander German of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany has now found a way to cryogenically induce a state of suspended animation in hippocampus slices from mouse brains ...