The pilot study now published in Natural Hazards from the University of Otago—Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka School of Geography found ...
The Manhattan Beach surf photographer spent a year chasing waves in Tahiti and Portugual for the movie, to be shown on a ...
It probably shouldn't come as a surprise that someone like Avery Neff is ultra competitive, but that competitive spirit carries over into all facets of her life.
JAMM AQUINO / JAQUINO @STARADVERTISER.COM A surfer rides a wave at the outside reef during a sizable north swell, in December 2022, at Sunset Beach. The National Weather Service has issued a high surf ...
Awe’s second release, from Danish artists MK Velsorf and Aase Nielsen, at first seems like it couldn’t be further from Atlas’ ...
For headphones, there surprisingly wasn’t a clear winner. But there were a few models that came up a lot: The Sony MDR-7506, ...
How Devon Howard and Channel Islands Surfboards have been adding new designs to the award-winning history of CI.
For the uninitiated, CliffsNotes are a basic summary of a novel or idea. They are the savior of many a student who did not ...
CONEY ISLAND, Brooklyn -- Well before the boys of summer take the field at the Brooklyn Cyclones' Maimonides Park in Coney Island, the team's Surf Squad is setting its roster.
The exterior doesn’t exactly scream “seafood paradise” – a simple storefront with “Lobster & Pho” displayed in bright orange ...
Lobster & Pho! “Lobster & Pho” – where surf meets turf in the most delicious East-meets-Midwest mashup you never knew you ...
Ventura resident Elle Miller understands first hand how being in the presence of nature — particularly the ocean — can be a ...