Actes du colloque scientifique international, Hammamet, Tunisie, 1-2 novembre 1994, 4–12. CEC (Commission of European Communities) (1992) CORINE Soil erosion risk and important land resources in the ...
When European-American settlers ... that in the 50 years from 1959, soil structure and levels of organic matter had degraded while acidity had increased. “Erosion from the wind is not as bad ...
Soil erosion is a major worldwide threat to agro-ecosystem sustainability and land productivity. Fallout radionuclides and stable isotopes are used to measure magnitudes and sources of soil erosion, ...
The Earth's land surface is dominated by sloping landscapes. Every year, soil erosion laterally distributes on the order of 75 Gt of topsoil (Berhe et al. 2007). The coupled biogeochemical cycles ...
The European Investment Bank (EIB), which supports the Nigeria Erosion Adaptation and Watershed Project (NEWMAP EIB), has pledged to support Gombe State which is facing serious environmental ...
While water erosion continues to be the most serious cause of soil degradation globally, innovative strategies that remediate important soil functions can restore the productivity of eroded soils.