A swooping bird of prey is moving around a sleepy little village as residents take matters into their own hands.
Many small garden birds, such as Robins and Wrens, choose to nest within a few metres off the ground where hedges can offer a ...
With a deadly parasite spreading among Britain's bird population, people are being urged to make a simple change to their ...
Corellas often damage farms and orchards but authorities say misuse of pesticides to poison birds carries heavy penalties ...
And in December, another US pet food company - Northwest Naturals - issued a North American recall after a cat died from ...
As the weather warms up, many bird species begin to breed and nest in March, continuing into April. However, with numerous ...
When it comes to robins and their preferred diet, peanuts stand out as another superb source of high-energy food. However, ...
A UK research project will combine desk-based research with small-scale trials to explore the practicalities and ...
The species is in the red list of the UK conservation status showing just how rare a sighting is. According to RSPB, the Black Redstart is a small Robin-sized bird that has adapted to live at the ...
Two men have been sentenced after they made a cockerel run on a treadmill in a ‘barbaric’ act. Paraphernalia included a ...
Robins can be spotted in UK gardens all year round but they are particularly noticeable during the winter as they do not migrate and you can help them thrive ...
David Carnduff takes a look at the amazing, and often dangerous, journeys taken by birds to reach their summer habitats ...