There are nearly 3,000 spider species in North America alone, making identifying a common house spider difficult. Is it just a harmless little guy? Or a venomous predator waiting to pounce?
“His excited shout brought the team together, marking the beginning of an extraordinary discovery: a nearly complete skull of an ancient apex carnivore, a dream for any vertebrate paleontologist.
Though the movie’s flow is choppy and occasionally distracted by overly showy camera moves, it zips along and soon enough the two of them are shooting at what you could only call skull spiders.
Instead, it's a sci-fi thriller with sharpshooting assassins, skull spiders and icky plant people. Levi (Teller) is a retired Marine sniper and gun for hire deemed expendable by his latest boss ...
Though the movie’s flow is choppy and occasionally distracted by overly showy camera moves, it zips along and soon enough the two of them are shooting at what you could only call skull spiders.
spiders sporting human-skull bodies, and the human-plant hollow men themselves. Above all else, though, it’s hard to buy into the familiar world when so much of it is composed of too-slick CGI ...
the assassin spider, the skull spider, the ghost spider, the goblin spider, the vampire spider, and a recently discovered species from Sri Lanka known in Latin as Poecilotheria rajaei and ...
The fossilized skull of a bird called Vegavis, which lived in the Antarctic some 68.7 million years ago, confirms it was an early member of the waterfowl group. However, the skull also suggests ...