Researchers at have developed a new method to enhance the electro-optic properties of aluminum scandium nitride, promising ...
“By using cutting-edge atomistic modeling, we found that placing scandium atoms in a regular array along a specific crystal ...
From integrated photonics to quantum information science, the ability to control light with electric fields—a phenomenon ...
State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022, China School of Applied Chemistry and Engineering, ...
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory on Functional Soft Condensed Matter, Materials and Energy School, Guangdong University of Technology Panyu District, Guangzhou 510006, China ...
Figure 1. Crystal structure and lattice parameters of AlN. The lattice parameters and bond lengths are taken from (Cunha et al., 2022).
Scandium, one of the rare earth elements, is often used with aluminum to create an alloy suitable for aerospace applications. Contrary to its name, rare earth elements are abundant in the earth’s ...
And magnetite-based magnetoreception involves sensing the movement or orientation of tiny iron crystals in the body, similar to a human-made compass. Kominis and Gkoudinakis were curious about the ...