In 2020, during the pandemic and toward the end of his first term, Trump submitted a letter to the Secretary-General of the .
As part of a rash of executive orders completed on his first day back in the White House, President Donald Trump began the ...
Senator Tim Kaine, Democrat of Virginia, quickly condemned the Trump administration’s offer to roughly 2 million federal ...
Monitoring progression and treatment response in people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Research reported in the Cancer Letters study was supported by the National Cancer Institute of the ...
Global biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate, with agriculture as a major driver. There is mounting evidence that intercropping can increase insect biodiversity while maintaining or ...
The excessive building approved by the City Council has reached an alarming level. It has been suggested that the council is ignoring the concerns of local neighborhoods and accepting financial ...
Mr. David M. Litman regards Professor Benjamin Robinson’s letter, in response to a Jewish student’s defense of Israel’s genocidal policies, as full of straw-man arguments and ad hominem ...
In response to Scott Hennen’s column “Term limits remove the power of the people” (Jan. 25): I agree with Mr. Hennen most of the time, but this time I want to voice my dissent. He wrote ...
Leftist Jim Jones, a former State Supreme Court justice, continues to let his leanings cloud his objectivity, even in legal analysis — a field where he is presumably an expert. Once again, he ...
As I’m sure you know, the oil companies want to ship hot tar oil on the railroad line which runs along the Colorado river from Utah all the way up to and over Rollins pass. They’re talking 10 trains a ...
A woman politely asked to board her flight early was met with an unexpected and dismissive response from a gate agent, according to an online account. The woman's request was met with ...
In response to Roxane Salonen's Jan. 5 column ... for reasons that I outlined in a previous letter to the editor ("Potential legal troubles abound with North Dakota's anti-transgender bills ...