Founders know the mantra: make data-driven decisions. In recent years, the scientific approach to nurturing start-ups—developing hypotheses, collecting evidence that either supports or refutes ...
Inside a laboratory nestled in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, amid a labyrinth of lenses, mirrors, and other optical machinery bolted to a vibration-resistant table, an apparatus resembling ...
This is an opinion and analysis article, and the views expressed by the author or authors are not necessarily those of Scientific American.
THESE two handsome volumes are a fitting memorial to one who carved out for himself a very remarkable niche in the temple of scientific fame. With the exception of his one published book on ...
Enzyme designers in the David Baker lab at the University of Washington in Seattle, from left: Sam Pellock, Anna Lauko, Kiera Sumida, David Baker, Donghyo Kim, Indrek Kalvet and Seth Woodbury.
The system of scientific publishing is, as others have noted, under severe strain. Junk papers proliferate at vanity journals and legitimate ones alike, due in part to the “publish or perish ...
CDC orders pull back to comply with Trump executive orders Agency directive to divisions comes after initial guidance to review communications Editors of scientific journals question the legality ...
BA (Hons) Fashion Imaging and Illustration offers you an experimental space to explore contemporary practices that stem from drawing, to challenge the notion of contemporary fashion imaging. Projects ...
In the application form, applicants should select Exhibit Design and Scientific Illustration as the first program choice, then specify their concentration preference in the cover letter. Please make ...
Scientific research is being conducted constantly, and as a result new discoveries are coming to light every day. Some of these even have the potential to change the world. Here are eight ...
Since the Fellowship is geared toward providing illustrators with a deeper scientific understanding, a strong illustration background is desired prior to the Fellowship. Compensation: This Fellowship ...