CHEPSTOW, Wales — "Wassail!" yelled the crowd. "Cider for everyone!" In an orchard by a Welsh castle, hundreds of people gathered to wish good health to the apple trees in a centuries-old tradition ...
The renovation was quite controversial, with many critics focused on the removal of two rows of flowering crabapple trees (which were reportedly replanted elsewhere on the grounds). But the update ...
The renovation was quite controversial, with many critics focused on the removal of two rows of flowering crabapple trees (which were reportedly replanted elsewhere on the grounds). But the update ...
The branches of some spring-flowering trees and shrubs can be pruned and coaxed to bloom indoors. Forsythia, pussy willow, serviceberry, crabapple, magnolia, redbud and many fruit trees will all ...
The arrival of spring is just one month away, but the last month of winter can be hard on a gardener. The days are noticeably longer, the snow and ice has melted, the stems of spring-flowering ...
Although the monarchy of Greece was abolished in the 1970s, the family has had plenty to celebrate over the last couple of year with two royal weddings! Last September, Princess Theodora walked ...
Royalty-free licenses let you pay once to use copyrighted images and video clips in personal and commercial projects on an ongoing basis without requiring additional payments each time you use that ...
Edinburgh's tallest tree - a 166-year-old Himalayan cedar - was one of thousands that fell victim to the devastating gusts across the country. Staff at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh ...
It’s not clear exactly where this snap was taken, although the gorgeous fireplace, book-laden shelves and gold-framed artwork on the wall suggests it could have been at one of the royal residences.