Ein smarter Rollladenschalter von Currysmarter mit WLAN, Alexa und App-Fernsteuerung ist bei Amazon zum reduzierten Preis ...
Die Installation von Jalousien, die das Fenster komplett verschließen, bringen eine Ersparnis der Heizkosten, die sich vor allem in Häusern mit vielen großen Fenstern deutlich bemerkbar macht.
Den Eve Shutter Switch zur Steuerung Ihrer Rolladen gibt es im 2er-Set bei Tink für nur 169,95 Euro. Wer kennt es nicht: das ewig lange Ziehen oder Kurbeln, um die Rolladen hoch oder runterzufahren.
For non-Google Android devices, such as the Amazon Fire Tablet, you’ll need to install Google Account Manager, Google Services Framework, Google Play Services, and the Play Store, in that order.
Bathroom installation is a skilled job usually best left to professionals. So how do you find the right person for the task? Read on to find out how much it costs to have a bathroom installed, whether ...
We know many of you are wondering if it’s possible to install Google Play on Fire devices, and the answer is yes, as your Fire tablet is an Android device, too. Today, we will show you how to do ...
How you install an application from its ISO file will depend on the version of Windows you’re running. In Windows, you can mount the ISO file as a virtual drive and install the software from there.
From here on out, you're ready to go forth and install all the Linux you want. Our full guide will help you along the way, but once WSL 2 is set up how you like it, it just fades into the background.
sudo apt install wget wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/freescout-help-desk/freescout/dist/tools/install.sh chmod u+x install.sh sudo ./install.sh You will also ...